What is the app CocoPPa on a iPhone?

So there's this iPhone app I have on my phone. It like redoes all your apps. And makes them look pretty. But people say it makes your phone slow. & is there possibly any damage that can happen. It is Chinese? Lol

Someone made a video

just look up CocoPPa with the word problem, errors, slow, issues or uninstall and you will find a bunch of information and reasons why to take it off.

Unless it has good programming any skin that edits that much will cause problems or at the very least slow things down. The more sort of edit programs, looks, styles and functions you have the worse you phone will work. Just because you can doesn't always mean you should. For stuff like this do the research, look at a lot of them. Users will comment if software is bad and in some cases if it is good. It is great when you come across comments that tell you not only that it is good, but also that it doesn't slow things down or has a low running rate that doesn't take up much memory.

Because of what the app does to your phone, it may very well slow down the device but depending on which one you have, it may not slow it down too much. I believe this video will give you some relevant insight into what the app can end up doing to your device: