What Is The Youngest Age To Get An iPhone 4S?

I'm 9 And My Dad Is Gonna Get Me A iPhone 4S, But What Is The Youngest Age To Get An iPhone 4S? Its Your Opinion So You Don't Have To Copy x

I got my first iPhone when I was 15, but I guess the ages that people get mobile phones are constantly decreasing. I know people less than the age of 12 who want iPhones, but the rule I had is "no mobile phones until you are a teenager".It doesn't really matter though; I usually just use my iPhone to play games!

I think the youngest age to get an I Phone or any phone is around 12-13, because any before that there simply isn't anybody to call or text, and you will likely end up playing games and nothing more on the phone. You on the other hand may be far more social than I was and you may have a purpose for it, that would be you or your parents call.

I recommend getting another phone that isn't an I Phone for many reasons, however. There's a much higher chance of people trying to steal it because everybody knows what an I phone is what it can do etc. But if you get a less known phone, like a Droid Razr or something, people are less likely to steal it because they don't know its potential. Also there are truly better phones than I Phones.

Well, I got myn at 12 so. Maybe 12?

It depends on the level of activities and the business of the parents. I believe a child does not need a phone or IPhone unless they need it to call someone to pick them up from extra curricular activities. Just my opinion my children did not get a cell phone until they were old enough to get a job and pay for the phone and monthly service them self.