What should I do with my babysitting money?

As a result of a year of babysitting, I have 400 pounds saved up (approximately 580 dollars). Half of it will go into the bank, but I want to spend the other half. My two options are an iPhone 4S and a VIP Taylor Swift concert ticket. The iPhone would be useful because currently I have a blackberry which doesn't work properly, and I feel left out because everyone at my school has one. But I've been a Taylor fan since 2008, her music helps me a LOT, and to see her perform and meet her would be an unforgettable opportunity.
Basically do I pick a physical item or an experience? Which would I appreciate more do you think? Please give as detailed answers as possible because this is a lot of money that I'm about to spend.

You could give it to your parents for your keep money… No, thought not!

I'm saving up my money on college but however I do spend some of it.

Congratulations on being responsible and saving your own money.

I believe the experience of meeting Taylor Swift and seeing her in concert is worth more. You will have that experience for a lifetime. An iPhone will only stay with you for another few years. If your Blackberry still operates (makes calls, texts, etc.) you don't need to get a new phone.

I would love to have both of them they are great things to spend your money on and it is a difficult decision to make. Getting an iPhone would help you for a long time however meeting Taylor Swift is an unforgettable experience to have. I love Taylor Swift as well and I would die at the opportunity to meet her. Personally I would go meet Taylor Swift, it would be an unforgettable experience for you that you would treasure forever. Also getting an iPhone will cost more than £200 even getting it on a contract and you do have a phone already so if you save up some more money then you will be able to afford the iPhone soon in the future were as this might be you only opportunity to meet Taylor Swift.
Hope I helped and if you choose to go to see Taylor Swift have fun.

£400 is $611.

Anyway, I would buy the VIP concert ticket and then just buy a cheaper phone. The experience will make you happy and you'll meet your idol, as well as make a memory you'll never forget. An experience will ALWAYS be 100% better than a physical item, whatever the item or experience is. I'd go for the concert, definitely.

I would go with the Taylor Swift concert. Meeting your idol is definitely better than a phone! Just keep saving your money and purchase a new phone next year.iPhone's keep changing, too, so there'll probably be a new one anyway!

Honestly, I would save all of the money.but.

Go with the concert like others have said.

Definitely the experience. You can always save up again and get the phone later, and it may be better for you to wait on a phone you want more, or a better version of the iphone. However the experience won't come by very frequently. If taylor swift really helps you then i think it'd be good to take the experience and enjoy that, especially since you'll always have it to look back on when you need some cheering up.

If you ask me it just makes sense that you get the tickets and see Taylor Swift. It seems more worth it, and a phone is just a phone.

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