Where can I find a remote triggered Buzzer Alarm?
I work 8-5 during the day and i leave my dog alone in the bathroom. She has bad behavioral problems and it is do difficult to train her when i'm not there. I have set up a live feed camera to see what she is doing 24/7. She has a bad tendency to eat her feces. I was wondering if there are things out there and what they are called. I imagine a device i set on my bathroom counter and when she does something bad on my end i can press a button from my iphone or computer and that device makes a buzzer sound. Do you any of you have any idea?
Buy a crate and crate train her. She is eating her poop because you lock her in a room and she wants to get rid of it. Most dogs won't poop in a crate.
Find an animal behaviorist and learn how to properly train your dog. And my last idea is don't get a dog you can't be bothered to train!
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