Which programming language is used for creating iphone apps?

Which programming language is used for creating iphone apps?


IPhone apps- I'm learning how to create them myself. I would recommend starting with C, with "Learning C on the Mac" which is published by Apress- a great book that assumes no previous programming experience. Then, progress on to "Learning Objective C on the Mac", which is the language used by programmers creating iPhone apps. Finally, after you have finished that book, move on to "Beginning iPhone Development- Exploring the iPhone SDK", which is designed as a sequel from "Learning Obective-C on the Mac" to take your skills of the language and apply it to programming.

Flash and Java are done using some kind of converter app, and the code you get will always be dodgy and possibly rejected by Apple. The only reliable and best way to program for iOS is using Objective -C, with the comprehensive XCode (free) developer suite. Unfortunately, you need a Mac to do this, as XCode is only available for OSX.

iPhone App Development - Where to Start

Objective-C is the best for iPhone application.