Why are Americans so boring?

I moved to US 2 months ago and haven't made any friends at all. I've tried talking to a lot of people (probably over 50 people) but they are so boring, all they need is an iphone with internet connection to scroll twitter/instagram, all of them are immature (like kids from elementary school), they all think the same way so everyone is predictable, all of them are probably brainwashed, they try to be someone who they aren't, for example, they try to look happy if they are sad, even if someone murdered their family, i have nothing in common with Americans, i think i won't make any friends here unless i find people like me. In Europe everyone is different, everyone shows their true emotions,
people are cellphone independent there, people are mature there, Europe is awesome, too bad i can't go back…

R u in virginia or wut m8

WOW judgemental! Everyone has iphones and internet nowadays, not just Americans so therefore everyone is slightly boring. Of course they wanna LOOK happy, but they're probably dying inside, they just don't wanna show sadness because they don't wanna make others sad? I've met heaps of interesting Americans. You can't generalize a whole entity of people because of like over 50 people you've met.

Americans, maybe you could find a hobby and go to places where they meet for instance if you like fitness join a aerobic class or something, you could do bookclubs, motobike meets, local events like fairs or go to conventions. Places where you will find like minded people.

Maybe you're just in the wrong state or some *** lmao
not everyone is like that just the dweeps.jk
but seriously there's more than just that in the US. Try traveling or moving somewhere else.
or better yet, try being cooler or something, you're probably just too lame

This question is boring. I see what you mean.

Because their only interest is fast food. Unless you want to lower yourself to talking about fast food and eating it all the time, don't bother with them.

That reminds me of the movie, "wallie"
Are they morbidly obese too?

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