Why are most Iphone users so stuck up and pretentious?

I've experienced this a lot at my high school and it tends to be a lot of young teenage girls who tend to be the most obnoxious and showoffy with their Iphones. Why do a lot of these people derive self worth from their smart phones and feel the need to show off. And don't give me that crap that they make you look rich because from what I understood most Americans have one and most Americans a struggling financially at the same time, so I know it's a bunch of BS.

Not at my high school, most of them at my school have the free government paid ones

Back when I was in highschool (in the UK) it was always the lower class ones who thought they were better than people who used blackberries. I'm thinking they have become more of a symbol for things rather than anything.
I mean I prefer my phone it has flash

They can't admit that Android is better so they have to justify their over priced phone.

I think it's a Mac attitude -- seems like a lot of folks who use Apple products think they're somehow more sophisticated and elite than the PC/Microsoft types. As you said, it's kind of an arrogance that they can't seem to contain! The worst thing you can do is show that you give a rat's behind. Just be you - genuine and true and uninterested in making your life about your 'stuff'. How sad that they feel the need to act superior!

I only try to show off mine when people try to show of theirs. Lol I remember when I was in Krogers with my mom and this girl pulled her Iphone out(this was the yr they first came out), looked at me, smiled, and started texting. I felt as if she thought I did not have one so I pulled out mine, smiled back, and started texting.

I personally will never buy an iPhone because I think it's all a money scam. Yeah the phone has good features and is supposed to be really easy to use but they break incredibly easy and not to mention the pace in which new ones are being released. I think it's all a money driven scam. I've had an Android and it was very good but now I'm back to BlackBerry and I love it. In the future I know I'll stay within those two smartphone options and never buy into the Apple/ iPhone craze because I personally think the phones are overrated and some of the users act pretentious when they have them. That being said everyone kind of does that as well. I know I like having my BlackBerry Q10 because not as many people have it where as probably thousands and thousands of people have iphones. Yep BlackBerry all the way

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