Why can't I send/receive photos via text message on my iPhone?

I have an iPhone 4S, which I bought unlocked and I use Straight Talk. I can't receive or send photos to contacts that don't have iPhones.

Can anyone tell me why this is, and help me get it working?

The first thing you should try to do is go to

Settings > Messaging > and see if MMS messaging is on or off make sure that it is on

another thing is do you have a data plan if you do then you are good to go i'm not to sure about if you don't have a data plan

the second step is go to

Settings > General > Cellular and make sure cellular data is on or off it should be on!

I have a iphone sean si from mexico buy i can't seand any massge to other phones i can resive but a can't seand

Answered my question!

Thanks, this fixed it for me too!

Thank you so much. Someone had turned cellular data off works perfect now…

It doesn't work for me! Any other options? I can't receive photos in my text messages any more and the other ones that I had disappeared! MMS is on. Cellular is on!

Fixed it for me!

Still not working for me

I have iPhone 5s and I just started to have problems I can't send pictures through texts nor receive them

My iPhone 6S will send pictures only to other iPhones -- not to android phones - says MMS must be enabled but it IS enabled. What the heck?

I had the same trouble. Go to settings, phone, and the just add your phone number and save.

I did everything recommended above, I'm still unable to open pics an videos sent with text messages, very frustrating, an its just started yesterday. I also have a problem in receiving calls and voicemail with three of my contacts. Does my vm need to be rebuilt?

Try restarting your iPhone (any model) and if anything, backup your IMPORTANT files to your iMac or Windows PC and perform a factory data reset on your iDevice. Hope this helps you out!

Myanmar pyi ther sit sit

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