Why do americans buy anything with an Apple logo on it?

For example iphone 5 http://www.youtube.com/...dIWKytq_q4

what does this prove?

I do like some Apple products. But I refuse to buy the iPhone 5. Until they come up with something phenomenal… I'm just going to keep using what I have.

Something to do with the Big Apple?

I Agree I won't upgrade yet until they get through at least a number of versions. If I bought the new version every time i'd have to be a psycho to keep up, or a millionaire, though some people spend their whole pay on cars and phones.

To seem fashionable and up-to-date. That's why I got an iPod Touch in the first place. It's a little older but I love it.

It's an American company

Apple products are cool.

Because they think that… By buying Apple products it's healthy for their body, since they are in majority fat.
It just shows how dumb Americans also are.

  • Why do people from the United Kingdom think they are better than Americans? Like i'm not saying all of them but some of them think they are so much better than Americans like why:/ we're the land of the free and we design most of the stuff over here like iphones, androids and we have have some better stuff like hip-hop, shoes, guns etc… But they have good stuff over there too but i'm just wondering why they think they are superior and better
  • Why do Americans think it's right to let the rich get richer and the poor get poorer? It's disgusting at how 90% of cell phone owners have a $600 iPhone Chinas population is balanced between rich and poor You say you want equality but when it comes to wealth you're too greedy to care about equality Capitalism does cause hypocrisy
  • WHY do Americans love Apple and Iphones so much? Statistics proved that Samsung and Android are much more popular than Iphones in most countries, especially in Europe and in China, it is only the Americans that love Iphones so much. http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=shm&sid1=105&oid=123&aid=0002009930 ***so the only reason is that it is from America and they own the same nationality?
  • Why are Americans so childish? So the baby bought his new iPhone and he must now brag about it and call those who don't have one "losers". Grow the *** up!