Why do Americans think it's right to let the rich get richer and the poor get poorer?

It's disgusting at how 90% of cell phone owners have a $600 iPhone
Chinas population is balanced between rich and poor
You say you want equality but when it comes to wealth you're too greedy to care about equality
Capitalism does cause hypocrisy

Why should someone who actually works for their money give it to a lazy free loader?

We can't possibly give money for free to the poor. The rich or middle class people are hard workers. In honesty the poor people should work to get to a higher position, not everything can be free. Every citizen has an equal oppurtunity, so they need to take advantage of it. The sad truth is at the end of the day, everything is about money.

The thing is that Republicans don't know a word called disabled. They are not educated in mental disorders.

Hmm. I'm not sure any of the premises presented in this question are true.
1.is that what the majority of americans think?
2. % source?
3.chinese population is balanced between rich and poor… I doubt it.
4. The people who want equality are the poor.
5.capitalism tends to cause outsourcing overseas… Hypocrisy is its own beast.
its not only the americans.
http://www.latimes.com/business/money/la-fi-mo-richest-woman-20120830, 0, 3323996.story

I would never buy an iphone, or apple product.

Capitalism gives you incentive to start a business. Because I can make money doing it. There's a reward if you work hard.

Socialism gives the government control of various industries while people can engage in limited free market and own certain private property. This is a form Darwin theory who believed noone should own any property at all. Socialism is the idea of doling out equal portions to everyone. Only there's very little you get.

Why would anyone want to work if they receive the same portion as their neighbor who sits on their fat *** and does nothing?

I have a 30 dollar phone and I choose to use it over my 160 dollar phone bc it is basic. Not that it really matters too much. Capitalism is what allows people to afford 600 dollar cell phones.

China, Brazil, Russia and India are starting to adopt capitalism. These are the "BRIC" nations. It is projected they will lapse the G7 economies with their market caps (amount of money they have all together within 25 years. This is merely a projection.

The problem with order and equality is we have to give up portions of freedom to obtain either one. There are plenty of social welfare programs to obtain equality.

You have the opportunity to become a billionaire because of capitalism. You also have the opportunity to sit on your *** and still get paid. It is your choice. It is because democracy and free market capitalism is the best we have seen so far.

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