Why do girls copy other girls?

There's this girl I know and she
1. I colored my hair brown, so she did
2. I became a cashier at a grocery store, she did
3. Wore my glasses, so she did
4. Went to a facemakeover, she did
5. Bought an iphone, she did
Those are just a few. What would cause a girl to want to copy you so much?

Well maybe she looks up to you. You could be her inspiration. Just talk to her calmly. This your chance to be good role model.

Mimicry is flattery. We (women) are always eyeing other women from head to toe, to see how she did her hair, what makeup techniques is she using, clothing choices and styles… Shoes… Etc. If you get right down to it, if one woman sees another woman and automatically judges her as pretty, fit, successful, … (<---Insert your own adjective here), the first subconscious thought is: "How do I do that" if you admire the trait.

I've often felt that women don't necessarily dress for men… But for other womens approval. For the most part, its another woman (or someone who appreciates the details of being a woman) who will notice the finer nuances of color or fabric choices or shoes or the thousand of other details that go into being us.

Example (major generalization): On a night that you put extra effort into your appearance, your date may not even remember the color of your dress or makeup highlights… Even after spending a few hours together. If a woman admires you, she will have captured every detail of your outfit, demeanor and style within a 3 second glance your way, right down the strap on your heels.

Just my take.

Maybe its just a coincidence