Why do I feel so ugly on camera but perfect in a mirror?

Whenever I look into a mirror I feel like model, Ill be so proud of myself and my looks lol but then Ill pull out my iPhone to look at myself on the front camera and then I look ugly all of a sudden. Like my hair looks different, my skin tone on my face won't match my body, my lips seem redder, my acne scars are like 10x more noticeable…

So why is this? And which one is more accurate?

The phone will be more closer up, and normally show harsher lights as some mirrors are in good lights and make you look flawless

Its a camera. And everybody has this effect too, trust me. But a mirror is what people see you as, a camera is just what you look like theough flashes, technology, pixels, etc.mirrors are more accurate for sure.

Omg thanks for asking this i have the same problem i think it is so weird anyway i look really good in my mirror but when i take pictures i think it adds ugly effect to my picture i bought a 800$ Nikon d3000 and i think that cameras can either be to high quality where it shows to much detail and gets a lot of light that you don't want on your picture and can make your skin look oily. Or you can have to low of quality and make your picture look fuzzy or not enough light in and just leaving out important details.

In real life, i.e. To someone staring at you, you look better than in a camera or in a mirror.

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