Why do I look different in mirror, iPhone etc?

I've always wanted to see myself how other people see me since I don't really know how I ACTUALLY look like.

I look different in mirror than I do in pictures, videos and in "selfies" with my iPhone I literally look ugly. I look COMPLETELY different, especially in sunlight. Is it the light that does it or is that how I actually look?

I know this is a stupid thing to worry about but I get confused about how I look. People say I'm beautiful but I don't see that at all when I see myself in images. In the mirror I feel I look okay. So what's the most accurate way to look at yourself like other see you?

I totally get what you mean. I think I look better in pictures than in the mirror (Sometimes) It's the lighting. It depends if you're in a dark-ish room or a lighter room…

Because the image of yourself you are used to seeing (i.e., the one in the mirror) is laterally inverted and since your brain is used to seeing that one, it seems slightly off when you see a non-inverted picture of yourself.


Some cameras such as an iPhone aren't that good at capturing a clear image. The mirror will tell you what you look closest to but you could always ask someone to take a picture of you with a high quality camera. Hope this helped.

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