Why do I look so bad in photos? - 1

Whenever I look in a mirror, I don't think I'm gorgeous but I don't think I look too bad either. My skin looks fine (I do have spots but they don't look too bad) but as soon as I take a photo on my phone (iPhone front camera) my skin looks like purple and my spots just look so much more clearer and they really stand out. Also, I feel like my face looks chubbier. It makes me really self conscious because when I see photos of other girls (I know I shouldn't compare) they look so gorgeous.

Are iPhone cameras just bad quality or is it just lighting?

Also, is a mirror a true image of yourself because I always feel I look better in the mirror.

You're probably not that photogenic, like myself. It's okay! Lots of people aren't. There's a lot of reasons for it too. For one, cameras will always distort, at least a little. For another, we're very accustomed to seeing the mirror image of ourselves, so when we see it reversed, we subconsciously pick up on all the minor flaws (that people usually don't notice, as they're accustomed to seeing us that way).

All you have to do is find your angles in photographs and take lots of pictures, especially in good lighting. It's really frustrating, but it's possible.

Some people are just not very photogenic and there's nothing you can do about it, but lighting can play a big part, so try experimenting with different lighting situations, stop taking selfies and have your friends take the pictures.

It's all about knowing your best angles when having your photos taken.

Daily practice smilling with good postures in front of the mirror, you will learn things what going wrong, when you see yourself, in mirror, by that way you will easily phase with good pose or epression in front of the camera. Try once

You're un-photogenic like me! No idea how to solve I though, its so annoying!

It depends how good you are in front of the camera. If you are confident, can give lovely smile and can give nice expressions and poses, then you would look better in the photo than you actually are.

But there are some people who are good looking in real life. But they are scared of cameras. They look so nervous in front of camera, they are not confident and gives bad expressions or body language. So they don't look good in photos but they actually are good looking.

Also photos are not 3D. So copying a 3D thing to a 2D photo makes difference.
After all there's difference between a photo and a real you.

Try your back, I do

Me too

It is camersas' fault

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