Why do some people try to maintain lifestyles they can't continue to finance?

You hear a lot about celebrities, athletes, etc having financial problems after their fame, I don't feel one bit sorry for them because they've made more money in a few years than in most people's lifetimes so no pity for them

But I'm talking about regular people, I was talking about it at work, how some people have an iPhone but yet ask to borrow gas money or ask can someone buy them lunch
I know some people who will buy almost $200 pairs of sneakers but then have problems with paying rent, what's so hard with saving and investing?

Its living above your means and the new toys they can play with. A while ago I got a new laptop as mine was dead well my uncle in law sore I had a new one and had to run out and buy something better just to keep up with me yet he didn't need it. Was thinking of renting a farrier see what he did lol. But it is get the new toys to keep up and show off its not till later they think o poo

Its the one upmanship of society. Your always trying to better the jones or the group of people you hangout with. People put value in what they have, the items they purchase means their own value as a person. So to keep that high value of items as well as to follow your neighboor or friends, people do things higher then they can afford. Its pressure as well as trying to impress people in your bracket.

Moto of life, be happy for you what have, don't try to impress others or your gonna be unhappy. I was hearing of a millionaire that felt poor and felt like he was struggling because he lost his yacht and only has to live in three giant homes.

Two reasons: 1) because they are selfish and think they can live off others and will try to do it for as long as they can get away with it and 2) because they are reckless, irresponsible, and lack integrity.

Iphone I understand, some don't use a home land line so having an iphone is a critical thing, but I know some that buy such a big house their entire check goes to pay it, then its so far out that they spend $12 in gas a day to drive to work…

US has two main ideologies faster, smarter, stronger and live for excess.
So it has become home of the braves and land of the slaves.

But it is not peoples fault, it is the monetary system that is responsible for the financial crashes. People have the means at some point then they lose their job so need to cut expenses.