Why do white female/ asian men couples look so weird?

The women almost always looks about 20 years older than the asian guy. When i saw this pairing( which is rare thank godness) It didn't tap into me that these two people were dating. I thought maybe she was his adoptive mother or teacher. But dating? It just looks strange. I know white men who date asian women look older than their asian girlfriend but can you imagine that reversed? I mean, what woman wants a man who looks 15 yrs younger than her? White women look masculine next to asian men. I knew this one asian boy who dated a white female and he was getting abused by her. She would hit him, kick him around and treat him like a dog! Why do white women play dominant and masculine in relationships when it is with a asian man but play submissive when the man is black? It is a huge turn off when i see this pairing because the white female looks masculine next to a short small asian guy.

P.s - Typing from iphone so my grammar is not 100%( it never is lol) but you get the drift.

Added (1). @John. But the majority ARE TALLER than asian men just face the truth that hurts you.

Added (2). @Lulu. Thats because you think asian guys are hot, you just said that… Nothing cute about that couple. Open your eyes dear

So you ask why it looks weird and then proceed to give a bunch of reasons why you think it looks weird

Cba to read that.

You just answered your question…

First haha lol
and then i don't know, i've never seen one

Your prejudices are blocking reality - it happens to all of us. Also, it is clear that you have never been in an adult relationships.

Not all asian guys are short. Your just being prejudice. Not all white girls are tall.

Excellent question. I think the answer goes deep. I have a friend who is very small & she thinks the taller a man the better. She has a man in her life who is not that great & it makes me wonder if her view on having a big man got in the way of her having a really great man. So I don't know what is behind this but it is based on our false beliefs. I would guess tv has had a lot of influence on what we believe. It' s not being aware. It's funny when someone who is a gay male is actually a big macho guy & people are so taken aback by this (no pun intended) or anything that does fit the norm of what people think should be. I would like to see your question answered in the psychology or philosophy or sociology or some other areas so let me know if you put the question there cause there has to be a great answer to this. I'm going to look up Abraham-hicks to see what they have to say & I will let you know if I find anything.

I'm a Black girl and I think those couples are cute! They don't seem to complain all the time or insult other people like certain interracial pairings do 24/7. So no, those couples are adorbs! And Asian guys are hot.

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