Why does everyone say apple innovates?

Read All. I mean people call Samsung a copycat(I don't like Samsung, i prefer Sony) But apple isn't really a innovator, i mean the ipad is just a new tablet pc that windows made in 2003, and the ipod touch is just a cheaper version of the iphone. Iphone, Itunes, and IOS are innovative, but right now not really, iphones are over priced phones with older specs, and their the same thing almost every year, other than a larger screen, nothing new in the iphone 5.It barely got a dual core processor, a bigger screen and 4g and other phones already had that for 2 years, i mean the xperia Z is better in every way but cheaper. And now everyone is saying that sony is copying apple with making a smartwatch, when sony made their first smartwatch in 2010, and the iwatch isn't set out until 2014.

Added (1). It is good but i haven't seen innovation lately, and the iphones are the same other than a few twerks, and overpriced for a phone with specs not even close to that of lets say a xperia z. And they are copying sony with a iwatch

Apple is easily the greatest company in history that I have followed.

I'm no Apple fan but people always try to compare apple with oranges (no pun intended). For one you can't compare a dual core processor on an IOS device with a quad core processor on an Android device. An iPhones don't need quad core processors because the OS is so simple.

I can admit that they were very slow in getting a 4g phone out but I mean they only release one phone a year (right now, possibility of changing this year with the 5C) and that means they can't make a new phone whenever something new has been invented they have to wait and implement it in their next device.

Yes the screen is very small but I mean that was considered normal size until Android manufactures went crazy and bopped it up to like 4.5 inches, which at the time was huge. Now you get phones like the Sony Xperia Z which you mentioned and it's 5 inches which is normal these days. Now big phones are like the Sony Xperia Z Ultra at 6.4 inches.

The Iphone 5 was a pretty weak upgrade from the 4s especially because they put the big stuff in the increments from 4 to 5 and so on leaving 4s and 5s for smaller upgrades.

I personally also am a big fan of Sony specifically the Xperia Z, and I can agree while these other companies such as Sony are doing huge things like making waterproof phones apple hasn't done much.

Look at the first Iphone that was innovation it might have been crazy expensive but that was the phone that revolutionized smartphones. It was way ahead of it's time and that's probably why most people still say apple is so innovative. They actually were but now they have lost all of there clever ideas. But there still are some people living in the time when the first Iphone was made and thinks of apple as the best company in the world.

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