Why does my iphone use so much data? - 1

I got the phone two days ago and get 500mb of data a month. Like have already used 400 and was wondering how and why it is doing it. I use a lot of social media and facetimed once the day I got it for 10 minutes. I went into O2 and they told me it was because of an update but it is still using a lot of data. I was wondering if there's a way to stop this

If you are using the internet alot then that takes data.

FaceTime likely is what did it. Video streaming is a high data consumer. In any case you could download a data monitoring app and or check the data usage per app in the Settings. If need be you could disable certain apps from using it.

IPhones use more data than other phone made--period. We're data hoggs. Any apps running in the background will also take up data. Cut off auto-updates for apps and use a lot of Wi-Fi instead. Bottom line, moving pictures, photos, and apps that require your content input chew up data and space. <2gb's for an iPhone is hard to pull off. I think you will expand your data package soon too. Use Wi-Fi any and everywhere you can.
Best luck.

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