Why doesn't my iPhone 5 have personal hotspot? - 1

Personal hotspot has disappeared. It's not there when I open Settings.
It's not in Settings<General<Cellular either. My carrier doesn't require paying for tethering to work and everything about my iPhone is identical to my friends iPhone. All the settings, iOS versions, all that stuff.
Why doesn't my iPhone have personal hotspot? It just doesn't appear and, apparently, nobody else has had this problem, because when I search on Google it doesn't appear. Everyone says "Settings<General<Cellular" but it just isn't there. It just says "Cellular network settings" which takes me to the APN where the DATA settings of my carrier are included. No signs of "Personal hotspot" anywhere. Why is that?

I had a similar issue with my iPhone 4. Turned out there was a certificate installed which interfered with the hotspot. Try this and let me know if it works.

Setting - general - profile. Then remove the certificate.

Edit: Ah, sorry bud - at least I tried.
Hope you like my answers: DHave a good day foryou!