Why is he not talking to me all of a sudden? - 1

So 2 weeks ago, I met this guy on this iphone dating app called Tinder (which is pretty popular) We exchanged numbers and texted A LOT for the first few days. However, the last time i texted him was friday night:

Me: Sorry i drunk texted you!
Him: Lol no i was rolling (popping E)
Me: I thought you said you were going to quit? Lol

That was the last message i sent him and it's been 3 days I haven't heard from him. Did he lose interest? Or does he need space?

I'm 19 and he's 24. He's not THAT busy because he's unemployed… And he uses his phone alot because he's been using facebook on his iphone.

I was never clingy to him. It was usually him who texted me first. But after the first few days, we've been texting a lot less.

But he did told me that he's going to take me out on a date when i go back to SF on friday. Should i message him when I go back about the date? Or should i forget about it?

Move on. He considers you to be naggy b*tch. The relationship is dead. Just forget about him.