Why is the iPhone 6 so fking huge?

Why is the iPhone 6 so fking huge? - 1

I disagree that it's huge, but the increase in size over the earlier models for both the 6/6s and 6+/6s+ is simply in response to consumer demand.

I do agree that the 6+/6s+ is too big for me though and that's why I chose the 6.

Plenty of Android competitors have strong demand for even larger models.

It isn't, early iPhones where tiny, undersized.

I don't think it is compared to other bigger phones in the market like the Galaxy S series, Galaxy Note series (which basically started this big phone trend) etc.

I actually love the iPhone 4s. I got the iPhone 6 in today and I hate the size. I may have to rethink what I'm going to do on this. I think I may just replace the battery in my 4s… If apple really wanted to give people more options and give in to consumer demand why don't they offer 3 sizes? I think the 6 is a joke and the 6+ you mine as well be carrying around a tablet. Who the Fk wants a tablet size for a phone? Stupid Apple this is 2015 not 2000. I guess unless you're a girl bigger is not always better haha

Lol I have to agree with you. I don't like the newer versions for the same reason. They claim it's what the market wants and since I don't I stay with my older 3GS and my wife has her 4S.

When we NEED larger screens, she uses her iPad (and if that's not big enough, she has an iMac) while I use dual monitors on my MacPro. We use our iPhones as phones, not pads, or computers!

Yeah, i agree with you that the iphone 6 is huge than others iphone models. And if you want to secure your files in your phone then you can try adding Leo Privacy Guard in your phone.

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