Why my pandora won't open up on my iphone?

I've updated the latest pandora update on my phone and it will not open up

Try double tapping your home button and at the bottom should be a list of all your apps that are running. Hold on to the pandora app and delete it from the list(this won't delete the app from your phone will just stop it from running) . Then try reopening it. If that doesn't work maybe try restarting your phone

I have restarted my phone to but it still want work ether what should I do? It used to work all the time but all the sudden I click it & it shuts off

I have the same issue with my i5. It closes right after I open it. Tried deleting and reloading and restart but neither helps.

Same issue! Wtf

Same issue. Closes right after its opened.

Looks like lots of us are having the same problem today (April 8) I can't open for use in car or on iphone but can use the one on my tv

Looks like lots of us are having the same problem today (April 8) I can't open for use in car or on iphone but can use the one on my tv

Same issue - and they only help I can get is seeing lots of posts to delete the app and restart the phone. I have done both of these many times but nothing works.

Same problem! Any solutions found?

Worked fine this morning, now nothing.

Same! Installed update and restarted phone. Still won't open.

Same here… Wth

Same issue! We need a fix and soon! Anyone out there?!

I have reset the phone and deleted / reloaded Pandora. Still nothing. GRRR!

Same here did everything and still nothing pops up the pops off

Same here did everything and still nothing pops up the pops off

Same issue as everyone else. 4/8/16. Worked this morning & stopped by the afternoon.

Same here. Dang it

Lots of the same problems. Where are the solutions?

I'm having the same problem!

Is there a phone number to call Pandora?

I'm glad I saw all of these posts! I was beginning to think it was just MY phone that couldn't bring Pandora up!

I agree with the last post, but I'm able to run Pandora from my IPAD?!

I tried doing it for Spotify and it did the same thing. So it seems the phone is the issue!

Having the same issue.

Same problem. Began this morning with my iPad and iPhone. I think since the last update.

Same opens up but then closes. Reset phone, cleared cache, cleared '

I'm having the same problem

Pandora won't open on iPhone. Tried deleting and reinstalling no luck even after restarting the phone. Did Pandora go out of business?

I feel like a crack head without crack

I'm having the same issue it worked this morning now it won't open uhh

Still no response?

Wth? I pay for it n same thing. I love my music.

I can't find anything on the web to fix it. Anyone else heard anything

I did the same thing as others. Deleted and reinstalled and it still didn't work. I'm not sure which thing I did that worked, but I changed my apple id password AND I also signed into my Pandora account on my computer. The next time I tapped on Pandora on my iPhone, it worked.


How do you change your Apple I'd?

How do you change your Apple I'd?

I logged in online and when I did that, it looked like there had been some updates to the app. Then I had no problem opening on my phone

I had this problem too. Noticed it yesterday. I tried again this morning and it still didn't work. I deleted my Pandora ap, then re-installed it and signed back in. Now it works.

I had this problem too. Noticed it yesterday. I tried again this morning and it still didn't work. I deleted my Pandora ap, then re-installed it and signed back in. Now it works.

Looks like there was ANOTHER update put through today which through out a bug that Apple had that was causing this! Mine works fine now!

I use Pandora for my business and i've been using my phone to connect for over 3 years and suddenly it quits! ARGH! I can't get it to work even after logging on…

YEAH! Just tried the deletion of pandora on iPhone, went to apps again and signed back in… It works now! Awesome!

I've tried deleting my Pandora icon but it's only on my Siri suggestions window and I don't know how to delete it from that location

My iPhone and my iPad Pandora are in sync. I could not load my iPad Pandora so I deleted the iPad app. I've I then selected the same Pandora app from the App Store. Voila, everything works fine and I have the same stations as I had before

Stopped working on iPhone and could not even redownload the app. What is going?

Just happened to me again. I deleted the app. Tired of fighting it. Sorry Pandora. I'm moving on.

Just happened to me again. I deleted the app. Tired of fighting it. Sorry Pandora. I'm moving on.

Me too! They need to publicize the updates and fixes or they'll be out of business.

Yup same problem

I lost my Pandora on my iPhone and now don't have it in my car. Still on my computer. Has anyone figured out a solution? I'm a paying customer!

Same problem here; logo will come up like it is trying to stream then app shuts down. I had an update a day ago but Pandora played fine after. Now its been down since 4PM yesterday. What is the deal?

What happened to Pandora yesterday (11/28/16)? It worked in the morning and now I can't get the app to open. I have restarted my phone and reinstalled the app. Still no luck. What is going on?

My husband and I are having the same problem! I had it playing yesterday afternoon, it froze so I closed app down and it still isn't working almost 24hr later. I've restarted my phone and everything!

Look for "pending updates" under the app store.

Dang you were right.went to apps updates and Pandora had an update took a minute icon changed to open clicked then the pandora "P" changed colors sort of and opened… Whew.

Had the same problem with the Pandora app. Went the the App Store and hit updates and sure enough there was an update which I wasn't aware of(there should have been and update alert from Pandora). Now my pandora app opens- yeah!

I deleted and then reinstalled the app. Working fine now!

Updated my app yesterday to 8.5 and now it won't load. Anyone else having the same problem?

Yep me too… Tap and wants to load but nothing.

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