Will the Duggar family FINALLY know what it's like to go broke now that the show is cancelled?

I have said from the very beginning that the ONLY reason their lives seem so simple and happy is because they never have to struggle or worry about money since they are getting paid from the show. If you don't believe me, just look at all of the luxuries they have, such as custom clothes and even a custom nursery for Jill's baby. I also specifically saw Anna with an iphone 6 in a recent episode, and I have seen all of the older children with iphones as well. They also go on trips/vacations all the time, for instance when Jill and Derick appeared on a program in NYC. Also just consider for yourself how much easier your own life would be if you didn't have to worry about money at all, and how much less stressed you would likely be, and you will know that is the only reason why they seem so happy on the outside. However, now the question is will they finally know what it is to have to struggle and worry about money now that the show is cancelled and Josh lost his job. I certainly hope this does happen, because I for one am sick and tired of them acting like they are so "thrifty" and try to save money, when really the truth is they are getting paid MILLIONS.

Custom clothes? I do not think that is accurate.

I also hardly think that iPhones make you wealthy.

Aside from the show, they have other income - speaking engagements, real estate, rentals, a car dealership, a tow truck business… I do not think they will "go broke" nor do I wish that on them.

I think so

No! We all do not molest our siblings at age 14/15. That is pathological. It is also VERY different from experimenting with alcohol or having a consensual romantic relationship. You may need some help if you do not recognize how these things are different.

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