8gb iphone4.is it enough space?

I'm getting an 8gb iphone 4. I was wonderin is 8gb going to be enough? I do take a lot of photos but I'll probably put them all on my laptop after a while. Don't have vids etc, but have quite a lot of music. Will it be enough?

It should be, pictures and music barely take up any space. Videos are what you have to be careful with.

I think it is enough. MP3s are usually about 4 MB. You can put lots of songs and once you get bored you can delete them and put another.

YES. A lot of people buy much too large a storage size for what they use, my friend's 64gb Ipod touch is only full of about 7 gigs, even with all the apps. Music and pictures are nothing, it's the apps and larger videos that take up the most space. With 8gbs you could probably store at least 1000 songs plus a couple hundred to a thousand pics with room for some apps and a video or two.

8gb phone means you have about 6.5 gb of space for your use. Other 1.5gb approx. Will be used by the IOS. In my opinion a 16 gb is just right for an average user like you, though 8gb is not bad at all if you regularly backup your data.

If i were you i would go for a 16gb instead. I have 900 photos and it takes up just under 10GB alone.

The photos you can always transfer to your computer every few weeks or so and this will clear up space.

The real problem might be the videos and music, but since you don't have any vids it leaves you with a lot of space for music, and a couple of GB its enough from my point of view. Don't see any reason to carry around a music library. A few hundreds songs as you current play list should be enough.

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