A program or an application I can use to draw on my computer?

I draw on my iPhone using MySketchClub, and I'm really satisfied with the results, unfortunately the doodles are a little small for the business I'm starting, my employer asked me to enlarge the drawings for better printing qualities, I'm thinking if there's any easy to use websites, programs or applications (as I'm in a hurry, I must submit my drawings on time, I don't have time to learn how to use complicated programs), with different brushes, and thicknesses and so on… Here are my drawings on my Instagram page to give an idea of the features I may need http://web.stagram.com/n/wafa311/ I really hope you could help me… I need this!

I think you can use paint its free and already on your computer probably.
Go to
2. All programms.
4. Try to find it on the list.
Or if that is not to your liking try photoshop.

Google search MyPaint InTiLinux - that is 100% free software. Here are over 30 drawing/painting programs to try out, some of them are free

I don't know what you consider hard to learn, but I find GIMP is very user friendly and extremely versatile. It's also FREE!


The easiest way to do this would be to draw the images on paper, and have them scanned into your computer. By storing and sorting these different elements, you can call them up to reuse them again and again. This also assumes you have a software application in which you can assemble them and add new features as needed. Adobe Photoshop Elements is A VERY good application.