Already hearing rumours about iPhone 5S?

We're already hearing rumours about the iPhone 5S, although I like apple products, I dislike Apple for scrounging ever last penny from their incredibly loyal customers.

When do you think the iPhone 5S will be released, what will be different, and why are they releasing phones so close and similar to eachother and expecting people to pay everytime?

Added (1). For the record the only apple product I have is an iPod.

Because stupid people will buy them!

Hiphop relax it not true, Apple has not reasease any news to that effact.

I think apple needs to do something new to catch up with android. Screen size has to get bigger and iOS needs some serious upgrading, lack of widgets and customization is not going to attract new customers. They need something which is going to change the market. Apple didn't really achieve much when they unveiled the iPhone 5 because Galaxy S3 sold 30 million units. People are loosing interest in apple and their shares are going down in value. Unless apple can blow peoples mind (in a geeky way) they are nothing more than a big failure.