Any solutions for a cracked iphone screen?

I dropped my iphone 4s yesterday and cracked the *** out of it. I don't have apple care so what can i do about it? Apple said it would be $200 for a replacement, which i'm NOT doing. Any suggestions to get this problem fixed?

Get the screen repaired

Buy a new screen and install it yourself:

You do not need to pay some one to fix it and you do not need to buy a new device. You can fix it your self and we make it easy! We supply the parts, tools and repair videos that you can follow step by step. We also offer free tech support for our customers if you get stuck. We have the parts for this device available and ready to ship. Around 60$ NOT 200$
Chat with us for immediate assistance-

Oh god this sounds all too familiar to me! I cracked my screen before christmas last year, and I contacted Apple to have them tell me it would be $200 for a replacement phone. Not a screen replacement but a replacement phone. I decided no, so I asked my dad what else we could do. He went online and found, a repair program that shows you how to replace your own screen. I thought why should I bother with a repair program; i mean there are youtube videos which show you how to replace your screen. But then I thought again; my phone is made up of small parts and is a highly valuable gadget, so I can't really risk it. I ordered the repair program and replaced the screen with my dad. The screen was on, pushed the power button - oh sweet success. I'll leave the link for you below

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