Any way to clean dirty iPhone 4 screen protectors?
Okay so I was trying to apply a new iPhone 4 screen protector but it got dirty because I sneezed on it. After stupidly trying to wipe off the snot with my sleeve, lint and stuff got all over it. After trying and trying to get it clean I moved to the next one, which I got dirty because I accidentally dropped it on the ground.
Those were my last two screen protectors, and I don't want to buy some more because they cost like $15 for a pack of 3 and I feel like I just wasted $10. Any way to clean dirty iPhone 4 screen protectors?
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Added (1). All the dirty stuff got on the sticky side of the protectors, the ones that go on the screen itself.
*sigh* just my luck.
And no i DO NOT want to buy a new one please I want to learn how to clean them.
You can get protectors really cheap, like $1/piece.
Buy you a new set. Your phone is worth it.
Use a piece of scotch tape and try to stick out all the particles off, but make sure you only tape out the particles and try not to stick it onto the sticky part.
Hope this helps!
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