Anybody no where i can find i refurbished iphone 4 cheap?

I'm trying to find a iphone 4 refurbished factory cheap trying ebay there not really cheap and I don't any other sit I don't want any contact so no contact so if any help please thanks

2013 or nearly quarter past 8 which ever is soonest

Overpriced old architecture as June 2010 and it WILL be discontinued later this year, so even more a waste of money as newer phones, better phones, AND CHEAPER PHONES can be bought.

I mean starting a contract now means in 2015 you will be using a phone that was issued in 2010, 5 years ago.

On 12/09/2012 released iPhone5 drops IP 3GS

Overpriced 3rd & 4 paragraph

Typical of all iphones is a disadvantage that cancels out a key feature

Even if it was a premium phone in 2010, such is advancement that two years what was premium them is standard now.

It was NOT A premium phone in 2010 and the only reason I can think is that you CAN'T or WON'T pay the insane prices for the IP4S & IP5 that you are willing still overpay for basic phone with a logo

Http:// Sells cheap iPhone's, no idea if its refurbished though. I got mine from there, they offer free shipping worldwide and I got mine within a couple days (US)