If a seller refurbishes a phone themself will it indicate in the settings where you go on iphone and Android to find out if it's refurbished?

I found ways online to check if a phone is refurbished. I understand how that would work with a factory refurbished phone but what About a seller refurbished phone. What actually has to happen for the setting to say that is refurbished?

The device won't tell you.

In most cases, the Only way to know that something has been refurbished
is from statements made by the manufacturer or the seller.

Keep in mind that "refurbished" does not have a hard-and-fast meaning.

Most refurbs are simply items that have been purchased and returned unharmed
but are no longer sellable as "new".

Some have had minor operational problems that have been corrected,
making them, in one sense, better than new.

Many are repackaged either in spare new materials
or in "white box" fashion with minimal labelling.

There's no reason to be concerned about refurbs
as long as they are properly declared as such.

No phone states it is refurbished in the settings. You'd have to see the details of the phone being sold & see if they state it was or not.
