Are Beats by Dr. Dre really worth it?
Right now I'm using the headphones that come with iPods, iPhones, ext. (Not the newest kind though) I've been considering buying a pair of Beats headphones (Solo HD) but I'm not sure if they're really worth hundreds of dollars. I mainly listen to classical music and instrumental music with no words, of this makes any kind of difference. What's your opinion? Are they worth it?
I also only listen to classical and instrumental and I would suggest V-Moda Crossfade lp headphones. I have a pair and they are amazing for instrumental and I think a little cheaper. You could also go with bose but I don't know how they are with instrumental. Heres a link to the v-modas:
Get the new apple Earpods (the "new" ones)
You can buy them off of apples website. I, myself have never considered buying any ear buds for more than $50.
I'd say so yeah
No, they don't have the BEST sound quality for the price, although they are beautiful, but since you mainly listen to classical music, it'll be good. I know much cheaper headphones that have the same quality as Beats.
If you want it for the look, get it, because it is pretty.
Beats by Dre are the the type of headphones that really focuses on hip hop and pop music due to their heavy bass. I do perfer going with recording monitor headphones such as the sennheiser HD 280 pro because they primarily focus on all types of genres because they were made to record of all type of genres. I'm very wide spread to what I listen to like classical like Canon or minuet or bouree and also listen to hard heavy dubstep and they all so heavenly on them. They're worth only $100, half of the beats solos.
- Will my Beats by dre Mixr sound better on the Samsung Galaxy S3, or iPhone? Basically my old contract has ended and i'm looking to purchase a new phone, and it's between the iPhone 5 and Samsung Galaxy S3. One of the main features that i'm looking at is the sound quality with the Beats headphones, as i also have an ipod but it's quite old. Is the sound quality better with the iPhone 5 or samsung galaxy s3? Sound quality with the Beats by Dre headphones comparing the iPhone5 with the SG3.
- Why don't Beats by Dre Solo HD Work w/ iPhone 5? Got some beats solo hd to go with my iPhone 5 and the speaker doesn't work on the right side. After I checked, it says the solos are only compatible up to the 4s. Anyone know why the iPhone 5 isn't on this list?
- Why do so many people hate on beats by dre? I paid 350 and the sound quality is amazing on my iphone 4s. People say they are a waste of money, but the people who say that is because they can't afford them. The design of the headphones are great so stop hating on them because you know you test them out every time you go to best buy haha.
- Why Are My Dre Beats Audio Messed Up? I bought my pair of Dre Beats Solo HD 199.99 yesterday. I plugged them in my phone and noticed that the bass and EVERYTHING was perfect but, the singer i couldn't even make out what he was saying IT WAS So SOFT. So i plug them into my computer and it works fine? It says its Iphone 3GS compatible what's wrong?