Bandwidth and streaming music?

Does using the Pandora App on your iPhone use less bandwidth than on your computer? Also can the i.t. Person at my work see i'm playing Pandora on my phone?

Anyone with a sufficiently sophisticated radio scanner can see and hear what's on your phone. There's nothing private about a cell phone, although, some countries have laws against the use of such scanners.

Furthermore, if your phone also has Wi-Fi, and you're using your company's Wi-Fi, then yes, your IT person can definitely see that someone has 'grabbed an IP address' from the company's router, and can see where the packets are coming from. If they care, they could disallow packets to certain devices - particularily any phone that doesn't have a MAC address (hardware address) that matches a list of known company assets.

As for bandwidth, if the end result is 96 kbps through your headset, bandwidth will depend on the overhead of any other protocols it gets encapsulated in. Chances are, encapsulation is the same for phone and computer, if it's over Wi-Fi.

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