Block unknown numbers from iphone4?

Some one keeps on stalking me and keeps calling me. I've contacted my server

company but they said they can't do it ( I'm on optus) theyve suggested I should change my number for $55 dollars but I don't
Want to, it's so expensive! I don't
Want to jailbreak my iPhone either. I know who they are but I've told them to stop but they still keep on calling me! I recognize her voice, she acts like she has an Indian accent but I know it's her but she won't admit it! Is there anyway to block these calls and texts from unknown numbers without jailbreaking
My phone? I've already told server company, but they don't provide
This service

Blocking a call is easy, what you need to do is-
Download Truecaller (an app on iPhone)
Open truecaller
go to call filter
click the plus sign
paste the number

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  • IPhone app that blocks unknown numbers calling? What apps blocks unknown numbers on iPhones? I don't care if you have to pay I just want one that works well. I'm NOT going to jailbreak my phone for this either.