Bought an app on iphone using unsecured network?

I was on a unsecured Wi-Fi at a college. Is there a risk that my password or other info could be compromised?

Regardless on being on the Secure Protocol… Your still connected to a Unsecured (public) network…

A Networking pro… Or script kiddy can still capture one of your encrypted packets and decrypt… Will take time but they can still get your password…

Of course this may not be the case but it can happen… And don't think it can't.

Its up to you if you want to change your password or not.

I believe Apple's services use HTTPS which is secure and encrypted. Sites that use HTTP are likely to be able to be found via software on a public network. To see if a site is secure just look the URL. This page has https:// so It's secure and so when you login your data is encrypted and secure. Encrypted means that if someone does try to hack any accounts using software and open the file they will just see random text and characters. So your iPhone should be safe since Apple uses HTTPS.

As long as your Iphone was up to date (there was a recent https/ssl proof of concept that showed one could read arbitrary data) you were using SSL and therefore safe, as most sites that do private data should be.

HTTPS/SSL means a man in the middle can't decode the packets to see the data you are inputting.

I would not enter passwords on unsecured networks. I take security more seriously then that.