Broken iPhone 4 what can I do here?

So I dropped my IPhone 4 and it cracked and now my screen is just a bunch of random coloured lights flickering. I have a 11 months on my contract left but I can't go that long without my phone. If I'm looking for a replacement will my chip only work with another IPhone or am I able to use something else like a samsung galaxy? Thank you

Added (1). I have fixed the glass once before but now I don't believe the glass has anything to do with it, it seems its more internal

You might be able to fix the iPhone yourself. Might just need a new glass for your iPhone. Order the part son eBay. On time I broke my iMac glass screen I order new glass part on eBay for 90 bucks I followed the YouTube institutions on how to fix worked like a charm looks brand new. Try that way first.

You could fix it yourself in the mean time, 11 months is ages to wait! I'll tell you about my experience when I cracked my iPhone screen last year. When it cracked, I asked around at a few local repair shops. All in the hundreds just to replace a screen. One of my friends told me you can pick up a screen on eBay for around $30 with all the tools etc included. I was slightly worried though; I mean I'm no professional with replacing screens or anything. So she told me about this site called, who sell an entire repair program with guides, videos, tools, 24/7 help if you get stuck, and heaps more. I thought I might as well give it a go, so I bought the repair program and a new screen and followed their steps to replace my screen. Oh sweet success; it was actually far easier than I thought it would be. I would highly recommend their guides and videos to you, there's nothing that can compare to the quality and high attention to detail of them, seriously. I'll leave the link for you below, take a look at their site.

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