Broken Iphone. Light doesn't work?

I broke my Iphone so the insurance company sent me another one but it's not working. It turns on and off and it has a passcode on it. It stays on for a few seconds then it turns off. It's hard to explain. It's like it works but the screen and the light doesn't work well. I can get siri to talk and it does things but the light on it is bad I guess. Can someone explain this to me. What's going on and what should I do. Can I take it to the Apple store. I don't want to send it back to the insurance company cause it already took it about a month to get here and I don't want to go through that process again.

Added (1). The touch screen works. What will the Apple store do?

Ya sure you can take it to the apple store but they may cost u some money i guess.