Calling cops while asleep?
This is the second time this happens but Unconsciously i called the cops. I have an iPhone so without noticing I unlocked my phone, put a password, and typed 911 then clicked call why is this happening? The only thing that woke me up was the 9/11 operator
Try calling them when you're awake, that way you won't call them when you're asleep.
It happens. It's like sleepwalking or talking in your sleep. I've had my brother constantly sleepwalk to the kitchen and try to start cooking. If anything, try going to a sleep clinic if it continues and happens more frequently, but for now maybe try keeping the phone further away from you or even shutting it down.
It is just coincidence, better lock your phone now before sleep
Just out of curiosity, why were you calling the police? If you answer that question you will discover why this is happening to you. Clear up the true reason for "needing the police" and your "cop dreams" will disappear from your mind at night. It is your subconscious mind calling for help, but help for what reason?
It's against the law to misuse 911 however if this is being done while your asleep then it could be a problem deep in your subconscious mind or something i suggest you see a psychiatrist about it.
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