My fingers keep falling asleep?

Lately I will be playing a game on my iphone and after about 8 minutes my fingers will start to fall asleep. I feel fine.

In a few years, todays teens will all suffer from this condition, then it will be considered a "disease"
It will probably be called iphoneitis syndrome.

Thanks for your very good question because it's a reminder to us to be careful about doing all this sedentary stuff that we're doing. Just now I stopped, moved around, & massaged fingers, hands, & arms & noticed just how good that felt. We gotta move. Other than that…

Could be a sign of poor circulation. Could be a heart problem, but I'm thinking that most likely it has to do with posture & length of time & similar activities. However, you should probably take it seriously. I would think that 30 minutes might be more typical for having problems, so it could be other similar activities combined with this.

Massage fingers & toes & hands & feet several times a day. Massage head to toe with sesame oil before bedtime. Make all movements go toward the heart. Keep an old towel to towel off the excess oil. Also, start doing some exercise, but keep it gentle like walking while it's still cool in the day, dancing for 10-15 min., or whatever you enjoy. However, keep it very gentle until you get approval from your doctor since this whole thing could be heart related. (slim chance, but check it out)

Keep a log of what you're doing when the fingers fall asleep & how long you can did the activity. Maybe some adjustments in posture & in length of time spent could save you from serious problems.

See your doctor to have blood pressure & other vital signs checked. They also have a tiny device to check the amount of oxygen that's reaching your fingertips. Could be very important to get this checked out. A good doctor will also ask when it started & when it happens, so take your log with you. Otherwise, our memories may play tricks on us. This whole thing could be nothing, but seems important enough to check it out. Also, if there are any problems, don't forget to ask what exercise would be safe for you to do.

In addition to all this, check out The Mediterranean Diet online. There are versions with chicken & fish & there are versions that are vegan & vegetarian. All emphasize at least 5 servings of fruit & veggies for potassium & other nutrients. I mention this because it's considered one of the best diets available for any heart conditions. Whether that's your problem or not, I don't know, but surely this diet wouldn't hurt for prevention. I know that all of us can usually use more fruits & veggies. Also, it's a much easier diet than low-fat because it includes oil & nuts & beans & a well-rounded diet. Make a note to ask your doctor about the best diet, too. Might as well check out all your questions while you're at it.

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