Can I change my house Wi-Fi password using my iPhone?
Can I change my house Wi-Fi password using my iPhone?
You can access the router configuration interface on your iPhone's web browser, yes, although it will be difficult to use and navigate and you should probably do it on your main computer instead.
You can try accessing your router by typing in your IP address as the url, but…
Most likely, you'll have to access the router directly through an ethernet cable to access its settings. And that means you'll need a laptop or desktop.
I do not think you can change settings via mobile device, but try typing your IP address into the address bar in the browser and see what you get. That would be the way to do it on a regular computer if youhave access
If it is networked to the house Wi-Fi, yes
No, you need a direct conection to one of your router network ports
May son
You can't the only way to change the Wi-Fi password for your house is to connect a computer using an cord called an ethernet cable to plug into your router. Once you have done that you will go to a webrowers like internet explorer, firefox, google chrome.type in or it should pop up a window or page that asks you for a user name and password by default the user name is admin and the password is password. If you do not see a window pop up or a page asking for this simple look at the bottom of the router it will have the web address you need to change the password.
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