Can I cut my normal sim to a micro sim?
Okay so I have my SIM card which doesn't have 3G, can I still cut it into a micro sim to put into my iPhone 4? Please tell me the answer As soon as possible )
Yes You Can To Micro Sim And Even To Nano Sim!
Sure. Normal to micro then micro to nano SIM is possible… But risk is cut… If miscut means SIM gonna be waste…
- My sim card won't work in my iPhone? I cut it to micro sim? I've just cut my sim card into a micro sim, Placed it into my iPhone 4s and it states there no sim card in there, They phone was recently unlocked by Telstra and i know it's unlocked because i got a conformation message on iTunes. I would have thought i cut it too small though that same sim card works in my Samsung Galaxy s2 Perfectly? What's the problem and why isn't it working with my iPhone?
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