Can I get in trouble (Craigslist)?
I traded this guy my iPod and some cash for an iPhone today.
He was fine with it but then brought it home and said the home button wasn't functioning properly and "he believes he would like to trade back because me not telling him about the home button".
I don't wanna trade. I won't. It was working fine with me. He lives about an hour away buy drove here. He doesn't know my address but he does know my email and school.
What is the worst he can do? Don't tell me to trade back because I'm not. I have him 45 bucks more than I was supposed to. He could get it replaced for 10 bucks.
Craigslist has no built-in protections for buyer or seller like eBay. Unless a promise of guarantee was made in the listing, used electronics sell as-is all sales final, no guarantee. He has no way of proving he didn't break it. This is why you should inspect items carefully before purchase on craigslist and for phones you should meet at the retail store for the wireless provider to have the phone checked and make sure the ESN is good. Since he was able to have it in his hands before purchase, he should have checked the home button himself. The worst that could happen? He might send you a couple dozen nasty emails.
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