Can I locate a iphone that is turned off?

Can I locate a iphone that is turned off?

Yes. The old-fashioned way.

Look for it. Success is not guaranteed.

Look for it.

You'll have to manually look for it. However, if I recall correctly, if you have Find my iPhone enabled, it should show you the last known location of the phone before it powered off; you can try there first to get a hint.

The same way you locate ANYTHING, that is not sitting in front of you. Get up move forward and look for it. Nothing there, move left or right of your starting point, and yes keep looking.

Even if the phone can tell you where it was before the battery died, does not mean it was dropped or left there. So retracing your steps from the moment you noticed you no longer had the phone with you, is really the only way you may find it. Example, you were at the mall when the phone died. But it stayed with you until you changed pants/jackets at home two hours later. Start looking at home (my option), as for me my normal routine is to empty pockets and throw things on my bed. So the hamper, pockets and around and under the bed is where I start.

If the last place shown on a map was the middle of a parking look or the middle of a busy mall, I contact my carrier, report the phone lost, this blacklists the IMEI and makes it harder for anyone to use or sell. Can be undone if you find the phone.

By looking the old fashioned way.

A flashlight might help

IPhone tracking app on icloud?

Can I find a dead person?

Tip your house upside down and search every room.

No, you can't. Specially if it's not yours. If it is yours yes, if you have the app in place to find it, it will tell where it is, the app will.

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