Can I program my Raspberri pi to control syems?

Any ideas on how to program my Raspberri pi to control systems such as aux, electronic grill etc.
Is it possible?

Is it possible to program it to make it do what I want it to control.
Just like the Iphone.

I just want ideas on how to do that.

Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the UK by the Raspberry Pi Foundation with the intention of promoting the teaching of basic computer science in schools.

Yes. You want to control the low level peripherals. See Source. They have example programs there. Should be able to do everything the Arduino Uno can do, and more. However, a lot of things you want done can be more cheaply accomplished, and with less programming knowledge by using the Arduino Uno. An Uno is only $2.50 from China (ebay). The nice thing about the Uno is there are all kinds of "shields" that fit on top of the Uno, for motor driving, sensors, etc.

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