Can I Put an Android sim card into an iphone 3g?

I was wondering whether I could put a Sim card into an Iphone 3g? I have a LG Phoenix and it is not working well for me but thats another story. Anyways, I was planning on getting an Iphone 3g off of ebay and I was also wondering that if I get one that says unolcked, then can I use it for my Rogers phone?

Yes, it should work. There's not reason why it shouldn't.

IPhone uses the micro-sim card. Of course you can cut your sim card, then use it in iPhone.

Yeah it should work i have a iphone 3g and i use a go phone sim and it work

Yes all sim cards are the same make sure you buy an factory unlocked iphone or from the same carrier as you have now

Yes it is possible you just need to get an unlocket iphone and the SIM you should get it trimmed to micro SIM that's all and you're good to go.