Can I put my SIM card from my old andriod into my new iphone 5?
Can I put my SIM card from my old andriod into my new iphone 5?
Yes, you can get it cut. Google it
The iPhone 5 uses a nano-SIM
your "old android" either used a standard or a micro-SIM
you can cut the SIM down, or just get a replacement SIM card from your wireless company
Nope, different size card and the pathways are in a different pattern, si even with a scalpel or exacto knife, it won't work.
- Will all the history on my old iPhone be kept on the SIM card when I insert it into my new iPhone? Will all the call history, internet history, text history, etc be kept on the SIM card when I put it into my new iPhone?
- Putting my old iPhone SIM card into new iPhone? I have a backup iPhone at home. Thought I lost it, got a new one - it was later returned to me. So I keep it as a backup. My current phone can't charge because I just dropped it in gravy and it *** it up. Can I put this phones SIM card into my other iPhone and have my service transferred or do I have to take it into the store?
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- If I put my old SIM card into my new iPhone will everything still remain the same? I just want my number to stay the same and my tariff/package that I pay for every month to stay the same? Need a bit advice, I currently have an iPhone 6s at the moment. I'm not too fussed about keeping all my photos etc cos tbh most of them are on Facebook but as long as my number and monthly package stays the same that's all I'm bothered about