Can I trade in a Droid Razr for an iPhone?
I recently upgraded my phone to a droid razr, 7 days ago to be exact, and I found out that I don't like it. I want to exchange it for an iPhone 4s. The verizon rep told me that it's impossible to trade an Android phone for an iPhone because "we get paid differently through apple than the other manufacturers" (exact quote) and the only option I have is to return the razr, pay the restocking fee (ok with that) and then pay the full price for the iPhone (not ok).Am I being screwed or is that a policy that I'm unaware of?
I used to work as a cell phone salesman, and the bulk of the contract phones that I sold were Verizon phones, at least until I was fired for refusing to cancel surgery to remove a tumor so I could accommodate Wal-Mart's mess of scheduling people to work.
It is not "impossible" to return a phone or exchange it during the 14 day (formerly 30 day) return period. The problem that comes up is that the returned phone will come out of the sales for the store at full retail (roughly $700), and they will take a loss on the exchange, and as a result returns and exchanges are often noted in the salesperson's record which impacts their prospects for raises and further employment. Due to this, most cell phone salespeople will freak out, at least on the inside, when a high value phone comes back.
Mind you, the phone can't just be turned around and resold, as it is no longer "new", and as such has to go back to Verizon for "refurbishment" for resale later, or for replacement phones for insurance claims.
Despite this, there's nothing in Verizon's rulebook for turning down "x-brand-for-an-iPhone" exchange. The problem is that if the retailer is an indirect agent, they may have their own rules. However, if you complain to Verizon, the retailer will be forced to comply with Verizon corporate rules on this one. (The only rules that indirect agents can hold and not be forced to comply with Verizon rules are dealing with after-market accessories).
Basically the employee that told you to return the phone and pay for the iPhone full priced is not being truthful, as returning the RAZR within the return period resets your eligibility for a subsidized phone, regardless of manufacturer. Restocking fees can vary by store, that is to help offset the loss taken for the return, as well as to discourage repeat returns.
If you were made to buy the iPhone outright, you would not have to return the RAZR and pay the restocking fee, so the claims otherwise do not add up.
Go back to the store where you got the phone, bring with every bit of paperwork from the sale of the RAZR, including the box and everything the phone came with (returns can be refused if everything is not there with the phone), and tell them that you are displeased with the phone and you want an iPhone to exchange it with. Be mindful that you need to keep your temper in check as they can refuse service if you get uppity with them, and can even get hauled away by the cops if your temper flares up. (I have dealt with that before, and it goes nowhere quick).
If they still refuse, call Verizon customer service at *611 (from your Verizon phone) or 1-800-922-0204 from a non-Verizon phone, and calmly explain the situation to the customer service representative. They should be able to help you out, and get everything set right.
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