Can i transfer Objective-c program from pc to mac?
I only made some very simple c++ programs so Sorry if these questions are stupid.
1) Can i make a game on my pc with objective-c only (without xcode for example)?
2) Is there something that can replace the xcode & interference builder for pc (the things i can only download if i have a mac)?
3) I don't have a mac so i want to know If i make a game on my pc can i transfer it later to a mac then iPhone?
4) Can developing apps and games be enough to be my only source of money?
5) If i make an app with Objective-c will it be compatible with the other androids (Samsung galaxy s3 for example) too?
6) I can upload apps to apple from Egypt but i can't upload them to android market?
You can look at:
However be aware that no it is not fully compatible with Cocoa, though it is very similar.Jobs and his team used Gnu GCC for the NeXTStep desktop which was Mac OS X's father, and GNUStep is the result -- the free software version.
Apple is not interested incompatibility but you can write Objective C programs with it.
C++ will not work unless it was compiled on a mac if it was only compiled on a Pc also there might be some things you need to change in the codeing for a mac that you would not have to for a pc.
i'm not exactly sure what objective C is but c++ you can make a game with out xcode & interference builder because you can make your own unless that if for somthing to do with the phones frame work
as for iphone/ipod games you have you can only make them useing a mac because apple sucks
i belive androids games would be backwords compatible so games that worked on the older phones will work on the newer ones
and yes you can make a liveing from apps and games buts thats only if there good apps and games that people want to buy you will also need some starter money as there's a fee to get your games on the market
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