Can I upgrade a blackberry that I got a few months ago to an Iphone?

I got a blackberry curve 9320 a few months ago but it keeps freezing and not working properly so because I only brought it a few months ago would I be able to upgrade it to an Iphone now do you think?

Unfortunately its not that easy to just 'upgrade' or change a phone mid-way through a contract.

If you are having problems with the phone you have, it is covered under guarantee during the contract term. Back up your data and then take the phone back to the store you bought it from or your network store and they can send the phone away for repair for you. As long as the phone hasn't suffered any accidental damage the repair will be free of charge.

If you want to cancel or upgrade a contract before the minimum contract term is up then you need to pay off the remaining term of the contract.

You will need to contact your network service provider for them to calculate how much this will be, but a general rule of thumb is that it is the monthly contract amount multiplied by the amount of months you have left on the plan.

For example, if your contract is £30 per month and you have 4 months left you would pay:

£30 x 4 months = £120 to upgrade or cancel the contract. Plus the cost of the new phone.