Can I upload CD tracks onto iTunes and then onto an Iphone?

Okay so I wanted to ask if you can load a CD tracks onto iTunes and then put them on your iTunes on your iPhone? If you can then how?

By CD I assume you mean Music. Put CD into disk drive and open up my computer. Copy music into iTunes and sync it.

1. You put the cd in the disk of your laptop or computer
2.It will ask you if you wanted to import say yes and import the cd(means putting the cds tracks on itunes
3. Once its done either make a playlist and put it on your ipod by going to your ipod on itunes (where you sync curtain playlist you want)
4. Or you can select all the songs and drag them to your ipod then it will sync

Yes. Put the CD in the disc drive of your computer. In iTunes, it should pop up under "devices." Click it, then select the tracks you want to upload from the disc, and click the upload button on the bottom right. The songs will enter your iTunes library, and if you sync your iphone they will appear there as well.