Can I use an iPhone in Israel?

So as of now I live in the United States but i'm moving to Israel for about a year. I know that in Israel they use Sim Cards for phones and I was wondering if I could use an iPhone in Israel. Do they even sell iPhones there? I also text a lot if that changes anything?

If it's GSM, then yes. If CDMA, then No. Be prepared to pay an arm and a leg for roaming. You can save money by buying a pay-as-go card there, but only if your phone isn't locked to a carrier.

OMG, Duhh you dim nit: P do they even have iphone, what a dic_head you are. Israel is technologically 10 times more advanced then the USA. What the hell did you think that you are going to live in the desert with the lizards and the backward arabs? Bwah ha ha, di_khead!

Asker - google "iphone Israel" for lots of info. Including Israeli Aps, Apple sellers, rental…

Roaming charges will be high, call your company and ask. So a pay as you go will be much better. You need an unlocked phone (not locked into your carrier). Also it has to be able to access the frequency used in Israel/Europe. Which is different than the US. So if it's a quad it will and a tri it might.

The carrier companies are Orange, Telcom and Pelephone

Frommer's comments:

Of course you can use the iPhone in Israel, and what could be the problem?

Bring your Iphone and use the Wi-Fi to access whatsapp, skype, and other apps. I highly doubt the phone part it will work here bc of the CDMA GSM frequency but if it does the cost won't be worth it. So get a cheapo unlocked phone and buy a sim when you get here and keep refilling it.

But don't trust my advice.ask your friends:

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